Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

English Paper

English Paper
2nd Semester Journey
 (Structured to submit the task of English Class)

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Organized by :
Isti Handayani
Mathematics Education 2012




Praise belongs to Allah who has given gifts to His servants to be able to finish this paper with great ease and not a hindrance. Without His grace, maybe author can't be able to finish this paper well. The paper is organized for readers, so readers can expand knowledge about education and English language class in the 2nd semester.
Author also thanks to Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M. A. as English lecturer, which has been providing guidance and assignments to their students.
Surely in this paper there are a lot of lack, but the authors hope that the formulation of this paper can provide a benefit to the reader. Author also apologize for the mistake of writing or something that is not pleasing to the reader. So, we expect criticism and suggestions for this paper for the better future.


Isti Handayani


Does not feel one semester has gone, a lot of knowledge that we have obtained during the class. At the first meeting in English class, I get a lot of new material. One of them is the importance of language. One of the languages is English. English is the language, the language is life. So, we have to live with the language. Learn a language as well as we learn the culture of the language come from. Our knowledge will grow. We came to have an extensive knowledge. That's the advantage to learn the language.
When we are studying, it takes willpower. We must have a strong will to learn. In addition, we also need a good attitude during our studies. As long as we are studying, we should not be arrogant. Arrogant attitude would be prohibitive us to gain knowledge. During our studies, we also need knowledge backed by ability and skill. The knowledge that we gain will increase our skills. It was important for us. Good knowledge and skills will increase our success. When all the elements above coupled with experience, success will be easy to achieve.
In this class, the relationship between lecturer and student is not like the relationship between lecturer and students who just gave an explanation but lecturer just facilitate. Students themselves should actively develop their ability in English.
At second meeting, we are get new material. The relationship between lecturer and students based on trust. Students believe that the knowledge he got from lecturer is important to them. In addition, lecturer also believe that the task is given to students will be done with the best. When both parties trust each other, the relationship will become harmonious. In this connection we should put aside our arrogance respectively. Arrogance will impede science up, even arrogance also will burn the knowledge that we have.
In this class, we are talk about mathematics education. English language should we use, if we rarely use then we will forget the language itself. The language must be practiced not just memorize. Often we use, the more often we use them fluently.
The third meeting, our professor reminded us again about the method of teaching mathematics. Most teachers use the traditional methods of teaching mathematics to their students, so what happens is the transfer of knowledge. Function of the teacher in the method just as deliver methods. This causes the pupil empty vessel. In addition, students will be passive(ly), bored and sleepy in class. That is why, we have to change the pattern of teaching mathematics to natural methods. In this method, it is expected students will grow like seeds. They will seek to know and to proceed as long as they seek knowledge until they can establish their identity, respectively. In the natural method, the teacher's role is to facilitate the development of their students. That is the natural method.
Basically, the education problem comes from adult not a young. If there are students who have problems or barriers to learning, then we have to check again, maybe the problem come not from students but from their teachers. Could be, a student who can not because teachers are failing in the delivery of the material. So, let's fix back teaching system available today. students can not be predicted, so as a teacher we should be good to position themselves in facilitating pupil.
It’s important to us to know “The Nature of All Aspects of Teaching Learning of Math”. First, the nature of school math. Second, the nature of students learning math. Third, the nature of learning resources, etc. Mathematics is divided by two part. First part is formal mathematics or pure mathematics or axiomatic mathematics. This part is on university level. The second part is school math. In this part, (Ebbutt and Staler, 1995) has opinion to described this level. Their theory are Math is a search of pathern and relationship, math is a problem solving activity, math is an investigation activity, and math is the means of communication. So, the school level and the university level is different. We can not teaching our student in elementary school by using the university level, but we must used school method and made our student fun and enjoy with mathematics.
Child is intuition. Nowadays, most student lost their intuition because the education system. Our job as educators is to bring back the intuition of children by applying natural methods in the educational process. We must dare to try because the fate of this nation in the future is in the hands of the younger generation. So, if we won’t to take part in this case is the same as we do not care about the fate of this nation. If not us who started, then who else.
In fourth meeting, our lecturer tell us about mathematics learning methods. Mathematics was in the minds of all people. We should have more respect and care for the people who studied mathematics in the "valleys" because they are trying to get the science, not those in the "mountain" that all the facilities are available. Those who studied mathematics in the "valley" has such extraordinary efforts to attain knowledge with various limitations. They are actually all around us.
In mathematics learning there are two methods, pure mathematics methods that we meet at the bench lectures and natural methods to teach math to children. We have to go down the "mountain" to help people who are learning mathematics. People who are smart intelligent people adjust to the surroundings. Similarly, the learning of mathematics, we should be able to adjust to the terrain we teach. That is why we can be accepted.
            The method of learning mathematics should we teach to kids like math is an activity, look for patterns of activity or activity to investigate a relationship. The second is the activity of finding a solution, the children are expected to solve a problem he was facing at that time. The third is activity to investigate, and the last is an activity to communicate.
            One method of learning is by silaturrahim or friendship. We should maintain friendship with books, blogs or other literary devices that can increase our insight. Being smart requires a hard work. Not many people were smart by itself, but he certainly tried to seek knowledge. Because God will not change the fate of a nation if he did not try to change it. So, we must try to realize our dreams. Hopefully we can enjoy with all of the learning process.
At the last meeting of this lecture, our professor gave advices. If we can feel, in this lecture has a lot notes and some messages that deliberately. It is just not use for now but also for the future as a teacher of mathematics. The importance of learning English is in order to be able to communicate mathemathic education. Mathematics education does not only consist of mathematics and education, but as a whole, as a worldwide phenomenon, a complete and complex. There are factors and components like teachers, students and curriculum. Reflection is the intermediate goal, the ultimate goal is to train us to writing. The writing could be anytime and anywhere. Reflections online has many benefits among educate us with various readings. Maybe tomorrow we will also get the class philosophy of education and reading on the web, however, our present context is in English. The optimal learning in an atmosphere of calm and happy. So, better to learn outside the classroom than in the classroom. Mathematics education, we have to know that something is dimensionless. Then, the science was dimensionless.
Math for college is formal mathematics or pure mathematics, mathematics as a science. Mathematics in view children is different with college math. In the mind of a child, science is an activity. In fact, sometimes we even can not define a thing. There are something that can not be defined as length, width, height, near, far, etc.. Only the short-sighted and narrow-minded who want defines all things. So, math for the little child can not be defined, but is defined as an activity. However, there is a researcher who defines that school mathematics activities is looking for a pattern and practice questions. And all of this comes from the intuition. We can not define the term because it is intuition. So it same with wide, big, small. Learn problem school children came from adults, from their teachers. Small children are not guilty of the ruling. Never blame the students, because it's just a mask of their teacher to cover his weakness.
Problem lecturer with the teacher is same that is how to facilitate. The traditional method would neglected, fortunately there is the web. So, lecturer use the web to deliver the material. Our lecturer told, we should have a principle in teaching. Basically the child can not be forced to learn, but make them interested and enthusiastic, then the child will naturally seek out and ask the teacher to explain again. If we do not have principles about teaching theory of what is good and fits with the students, then we are just going to be swayed. Similarly, when we write a thesis. The purpose of the establishment is when we write scientific papers should not mix theory.
We have to be comprehensive in looking at education, the easiest way is reading a lot. Especially when we get to the theory of the nature or essence. If the person reading, it will have a lot of nature. There is an objective nature, there is a subjective nature. We will have the essence of each. Thus, we must reading a lot to be easy to communicate.
Stimulus response psychology is not in accordance with current conditions, because the theory is the old theory. Currently famous psychology is hyphographic, unpredictable and difficult to explain. Then all of it must be based on the religion and character cultivation.
The main problem is how to facilitate. The second problem, we must improve the competence with the english language. We can be active in the informal school like English courses, because the current highly competitive job. Our career 80% is determined by our efforts, especially in English. 20% of prayer and providence.
The characteristics of high intelligence that people have when thinking 8 hours was not tired, work under pressure it can withstand. Quickly bored it is also one of the creative traits according to a theory.
Learning resources can be extracted from any sources. This lecture is dynamic. The way is changed every year. A good way to learn is to change the way, so we know which ones are less and can complement each other. The big problem is a universal problem of accountability and sustainability. We believe and trust in anything or anyone. We believe is accountability. Teachers who had accountability is in Japan, because the way of teaching can be watched. Nature of accountability are transparent.
At last, we must continue to write reflections to collect points, even though its main purpose to practice writing.
Thank you Sir for your guidance during this semester and thanks for shared your knowledge to us.

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